Level of Consciousness - Irritation
The energy field of irritation has a lot of life force available, so much so that it can seem full of anger, explosiveness, and danger. At the level of need, the feeling of wanting is felt, but frustration can quickly lead to irritation. Irritation can best be seen as the energy that is behind all frustrated and unmet desires. It is also the energy that is usually behind great movements against oppressive social structures. Anger can be constructive or destructive.
A small portion of the population is born at the consciousness level of irritation, and they tend to spend their entire lives in this energy field. Such people are chronically difficult, short-tempered, belligerent, and antagonistic. For most people, however, irritation is a transient emotion that pops up when a perceived need is unmet. Common manifestations of irritation for the average person can be indignation, annoyance, anger, harshness, and unfriendliness. Long-term irritability can lead to grudges, resentment, hatred, and rage.
This frustrated feeling of irritation and anger is often behind activism and social justice platforms such as environmentalism, animal or human rights, and equality movements. This can often be a constructive anger that helps create much-needed societal change. In other instances, these platforms become a vehicle to express repressed rage and resentment for perceived mistreatment or injustice.
Some facts about irritation:

• Anger in a positive sense can lead to
standing up to injustice
• Can be constructive or destructive
• However, it can also lead to revenge
• Can erupt into rage and hatred
• May lead to homicide & war
• Can pivot oppression
• Anger is explosive & dangerous
• Takes time to learn to control anger
• Comes from unmet desire