Level of Consciousness - Supra Causal Truth
“The mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts have their root in the I-thought. Whoever investigates the True "I" enjoys the stillness of bliss.” (Ramana Maharshi, Be as you are)
Supra Causal Truth Consciousness transcends causality, where the Absolute Self becomes more visible and clearer. The light of Full Consciousness is now shining through the seeker like via a diamond or crystal, hence enabling much more clarity of Seeing. The seed of the mind and its way of birthing a sense of separation become also crystal clear.
This state of consciousness can lead to the desire to retreat from the world, where one can enjoy a deep sense of peace and fulfillment. The problem is that the sense of ‘I’ remains to be uprooted from its core. The I-Thought or I-Feeling is a very persistent and deceptive mechanism of self-preservation. It further enjoys hiding and staying at peace, as long as no one disturbs it.
There is a subtle, thin veil or distance kept from ‘the World’, from ‘others’, and a slight resistance from being fully submerged in the world, thus not yet being the Absolute Self, which fully Includes the whole Experience, the World, and Others too.
This veil, once removed, also resolves the perceived Separation of humanity and the Divine. In reality, the physical and spiritual are ONE since there is only ONE, an all-inclusive and indivisible Self.
In Buddhist teachings, there is a saying that, at this stage of realization, if one sees the Buddha, one needs to ‘kill’ it since the true Buddha (Awakening) is emptiness and openness itself, and not an image. Seeing any Deities and assuming a sense of ‘them’ and a sense of ‘myself’ thus need to be resolved.
The seed of the mind, known as, I-Thought or I-Sense, becomes visible. It was named by one of India's greatest sages, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. The seed of separation is seen, and thus, it needs to be isolated from all other thoughts, and eventually transcended by a continuous familiarization with the Absolute Self.
Abiding in the Heart on the Right, known as ‘Amrita Nadi’ or the Inner Sun, also helps in the final transcendence of the I-Thought or I-Feeling and any sense of separation.

Common processes & realizations
• The light of Full Consciousness is now shining ‘crystal clear’, hence with slight filtering via a crystal or diamond.
• It feels much more open than the Great Void and Divine Love, as well as much lighter.
• Here, the famous I-Thought becomes visible, named by the greatest sage of India, Sri Ramana Maharshi.
• The I-Thought or I-Feeling is a very persistent and deceptive mechanism of self-preservation.
• The I-Thought or I-Feeling needs to be isolated from all other thoughts, and eventually eliminated by continuously familiarizing with the Absolute Self and abiding in the Heart on the Right, known as the Amrita Nadi or the Inner Sun.
• To enquire, isolate, and transcend the I-Thought/I-Sense, the assistance of a fully Self-Realized guide is usually necessary.
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