Self-realization - From Awakening to Full Consciousness
(LOC Inner Light - Full Consciousness)
The awakening of the Inner Light and Inner Wisdom opens the path of Self-Realization. Inner Love and Unity consciousnesses are the most common spiritually awakened states of humanity, leading to the more advanced Presence and Christed consciousness. Non-Duality is considered a pre-Enlightened consciousness. Thereafter, there are the four steps of the actual Enlightenment, from Awareness awakening, to Full Consciousness realization as the Absolute God Self.​
Levels of Consciousness Inner Light and Inner Wisdom is the life-changing first stage of spiritual awakening, where the Inner Light penetrates the densest part of a person’s energy field to allow greater emotional healing. As fears and heavy emotions are transcended, objectivity and clarity of one’s life increase. One can practice being the observer of life ‘from above’ in order to gain wisdom and higher intelligence. Synchronicities become apparent, the senses sharpen, DNA begins repairing, and one feels more alive. However, in this early awakening, the mind’s energies remain predominant. Eventually, a natural calling to Love may arise to transcend the mind’s limitations.

Levels of Consciousness Inner Love & Unity are the honeymoon phases in the spiritual journey due to a greater sense of openness and oneness. This love beyond intellect guides us to return to our heart and soul. It is not oriented to relationships, but instead, to all of life. The mind’s energy softens and drops into the heart, where we commonly realize that love is the way, and all is love. Courageous exploration of our feelings and life circumstances becomes common as the drive to heal increases. As this love matures, it expands into Unity Consciousness, creating a feeling of connectedness to all life. Unconditional love and compassion naturally arise in this feeling of unity.
LOCs Inner Light, Inner Wisdom, Inner Love, and Unity are the states of realization, where 90% of all spiritually-awakened humans reside because the next step, LOC Presence, is more advanced, and is usually quite challenging to open.
In LOC Inner Love and Unity, we can use the analogy, where a person is at the most beautiful tropical paradise beach enjoying the sunshine, dipping into the ocean for a swim from time to time. LOC Presence is the ocean itself. There is no more person. There is no one in heaven or at the beach. It is a complete surrender of the spiritual ego-self to the space/energy field of Presence itself. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Presence is the beginning of true peace and contentment. It is the level of spiritual adulthood as we begin to stay present with what IS, and we can sustain difficult spiritual energies. The sense of being a separate ‘I’ slowly dissolves in Presence, allowing deeper aspects of our conditioning to surface, thus enabling a deeper healing of the distortions and unhealed memories that have shaped our life. A sense of ‘being’, rather than ‘doing’, arises, bringing great expansion and freedom. Presence is known as the mighty ‘I AM Presence’ in Ascension Teachings. The soul fully descends back into the body to establish Heaven on Earth. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Non-Duality is the natural outcome of the work of transcending the dual energies in Presence. This is the fruit of the efforts that come with burning the heavy karmic ties, and we are rewarded with a sense of relief and an expanded sense of Cosmic consciousness. This is the stage often referred to as ‘non-doer ship’ as the realization that all is happening to no one becomes evident. It is easier to be present with what is here and now. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Awareness is the first stage of Enlightenment. There is a sense of oneself as the Universal Self, where consciousness is now expanded to encompass the whole Universe as ‘I AM All’ or ‘All-ness’. Awareness is much lighter than Presence or Non-Duality because a sense of larger openness greatly dissolves the sense of separation from others. The brain and nervous system increase in coherence as we further heal blockages in the nervous system thereby enabling a greater sense of lightness as the brain is lit up to a large degree, hence ‘Enlightenment’. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Great Void is the Great Universal Void. is a surrender to THE great Void, neither a cosmic space, nor a single black hole. The Great Universal Void is the dark matter of the Universe from which galaxies are born. At this level, we surrender to the great unknown of the unmanifested womb of the universe. The void is a place of resting from needing to know, comprehend, or generate thoughts. This Level of Consciousness also allows access to the unconscious, unseen, and not experienced, except in deep sleep. A great healing of previously unconscious patterns in consciousness is available here as disturbing psychological patterns are seen and released. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Divine Love is the 2nd step of Enlightenment is the second step of Enlightenment. This transcendence of the universal womb of causality experienced in the Void is attributed to Divine Grace as no one can transcend the Universe alone. Pure consciousness is experienced more directly as the Divine light helps to transform, transmute, uplift, and melt into a higher level of bliss. The sense of ‘I’ further melts into the space of Divine Love. This level is also referred to as a ‘Divine Love Union’, where the two universal aspects of God Father and God Mother are in Union, and the Universe is created through this Union. It is the most Divine Love and completion of universal Male-Female aspects. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Supra Causal Truth is the third level of Enlightenment that is the awakening that transcends causality and being as the True Self. The light of Full Consciousness shines clearly like a diamond, with only a thin veil of mind separating us from Absolute Reality. The seed of the mind, known as ‘I-Thought’ or ‘I-Sense’, becomes visible. In order to remove this veil, we can watch the I-thought as it emerges in our field of consciousness, or resides in the Heart on the Right until the last remaining vestige of the personal self dissolves. Read more...
Level of Consciousness Full Consciousness is the final stage of Enlightenment. It is known as the Natural State, the Absolute Self, God Self, the Source of all Universes. With the veil of the mind removed, there is no more separation between us and the pure light of consciousness. All is seen as Self. The Self is unborn, undying, undivided, and inseparable. It is all there, manifested and unmanifested, as the Source of both. It is the ‘I AM THAT’. Full Consciousness feels very natural, open, restful, empty, and alive. It is the end of seeking as the seeker realizes that there is only ONE, and all sense of ‘otherness’ fades away. Read more...
Infinite Ascension & Mastery follows the Enlightenment of Full Consciousness. The level of Full Consciousness is not the End, but is actually an ever-alive, natural, and open Self. Some beings choose to continue their work towards Ascension and Self-Mastery to the infinite levels above. Enough Souls would have to take the responsibilities of all the stars, planets, galaxies, and other cosmic bodies and structures in our Universe…and possibly, other Universes too. Read more...