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Soul Liberation Path (True Moksha)

Understanding Soul Liberation

Soul liberation unfolds as a multifaceted journey through the many realms of existence. At its most fundamental, it can mean becoming free from the earthly cycle of rebirth, freeing the Soul from the karmic wheel that binds it to our local planetary sphere.

Yet, the path stretches far beyond, transcending the Anda planes emphasized by the New Age movement. It liberates the Soul from the karmic ties to star systems like the Pleiades, Sirius, and Arcturus, severing the bonds to both the biophysical Pinda and the ethereal Anda universes.

As the Soul ascends, it breaks free from the Brahmanda universes—realms where many enlightened Yogis and Yogi Preceptors have found their home. It surpasses even the BrahmaJyoti region, that first degree of radiant enlightened Awareness.

A more profound liberation awaits in the vast expanse of the 700 quadrillion ParBrahmanda universes. Here, the Soul dances free from the dualistic grip of negative polarity and the influence of Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan, experiencing a purer form of existence.

Ultimately, True Soul Liberation culminates in the completion of all karmic threads woven through lower realms, guiding the Soul back to the True Divine region of Satya Lok / Sach Khand. In this ineffable state, the Soul transforms into a Hamsa—a Divine Swan as bright as 16 suns. Here, in the truly infinite and truly eternal Divine Home, the liberated Soul basks in the pure light of the ultimate supreme God’s love, forever free and eternally one with the Divine.

Divine Cosmology and the Path to Moksha

divine light and sound stream, divine light and sound current
Divine Light and Sound Stream

At the bottom of the Divine Cosmology lies the Pinda, the plane that encompasses the 3D Biophysical Universe, which is currently the focus of our scientific exploration. Science's ability to delve into the 4D-5D Astral Universe (Anda) has been extremely limited thus far.

Above the Biophysical Universe (Pinda) exist numerous layers that are beyond the scope of scientific inquiry, delving into the nature of God. The subtle planes of the 4D-5D Astral Universe (Anda) are the subject of much focus in the New Age material.

Moving further, the 6D-8D Causal Universe (Brahmanda) has captured the attention of many Yogis and Yogi Preceptors seeking to realize the Brahman within the causal cosmic planes of existence. It also encompasses the layer of Non-Dual beginnings, serving as the threshold to the entry of Enlightenment of BrahmaJyoti. Furhter above are the 9D-10D Supra-Universal regions of the ParBrahmanda.

It is common for many Yogis, Yogi Preceptors and Gurus to stay in the regions of Brahmanda, BrahmaJyoti and ParBrahmanda, occasionally experiencing higher realizations yet often choosing to teach from a more comprehensible vantage point, one or two steps below.

An individual may realize the Awareness Level of Consciousness but might find it more accessible to teach about Presence, Beingness, or the initial stages of Non-Duality.

Similarly, one may realize the power of ParBrahmanda as Awareness, which is also referred to as a higher mental plane. Awareness encompasses the higher mental plane because the universes are made of the mind, the Universal and Supra-Universal Consciousness.

Consequently, someone who has the realization of Awareness may tend to intellectualize it, leading to inquiries of an intellectual nature and the formulation of beautiful postulations about the subject. This approach may take on a more mental flavoring. Awareness in itself is blissful and seemingly infinite in the BrahmaJyoti region, with the seeing of creation below. One might adopt a more Zen approach to this view.

Above this lies the Great Void, which serves as a formidable barrier that very few Souls ever cross over.

Even the Bhakti (Devotional) approach, as observed in Krishna Cosmology, is aimed at the stage of Brahmanda and ParBrahmanda (the Supra-Universal region), encompassing the loving and purely beautiful aspects of creation.

Individuals may encounter different stages in the spiritual journey when connecting with deities such as Krishna. In the initial stages, one might experience a loving connection to Krishna. At the same time, at a deeper level of maturity, they may explore the cosmic nature of their beloved teacher, delving into extensive readings on bhakti. The founder of the Krishna movement, Srila Prabhupada, possessed deep knowledge of the cosmic nature, mainly emphasizing teachings in this realm and appointing 11 successors to continue the Krishna movement.

However, despite their deep devotion and extensive knowledge of Bhakti, their Souls may not have fully reached the higher region of ParBrahmana. Some individuals choose to lead a renunciate life as monks or nuns in various spiritual orders, renouncing materialism and dedicating their lives to devotion. Yet, this path does not guarantee the Soul's transcendence beyond that point.

It’s a beautiful life of developing virtues such as surrender and devotion. However, as mentioned earlier, virtues and vices keep Souls occupied across lifetimes. If a Soul attains many virtues and becomes a beautiful and devoted being, it may rise to the feet of Vishnu, the Lord of devotion, where it is showered with blessings for its sincere devotion. Despite the Soul's gratitude and the blessings received, it continues to cycle through experiences of the Brahmanda region where Lord Vishnu rules.

As the Soul attains maturity or a deeper awakening, it may realize that even the most beautiful deities and gods are part of the cycle of experiences from which it seeks true freedom.

In the spiritual journey, individuals may encounter different stages in their connection to figures such as Lord Krishna. While many may meet Lord Krishna in the mid-region of Brahmanda or a higher region of ParBrahmanda, very few Sat Gurus have ever encountered Krishna at his highest abode. At these elevated stages, Krishna may reveal his higher forms, but only when the Soul is truly ready, having not only devoted itself but also attained a certain level of discernment and power to rise to such profound spiritual heights.

As one encounters beings of various orders, an understanding dawns that each being has a unique role to fulfill. However, the ultimate goal is the pursuit of Soul Liberation from all regions of creation!

This freedom may be sought through diverse approaches, sometimes necessitating surrender, devotion, and transcending the ego and selfishness for a greater degree of liberation. Even mental comforts and realizations, while significant, may need to be released to attain deeper freedom. As one ascends to the first Divine plane, known as Satya-Lok / Sach Khand, the Soul achieves True Liberation from all creations of ParBrahmanda, Brahmanda, Anda, and Pinda.

While some Gods and Goddesses exhibit care and affection, providing nurturing and welcoming environments, it's essential to note that lingering in these loving realms of creation for too long may hinder spiritual progress. Although it feels so good to spend time in these realms after the struggles of life, it may impede the Soul's continued journey toward liberation.

Our message to you is to cultivate discernment in evaluating the myriad spiritual paths and teachers. In countries like India, one may see gurus and sages with Ashrams and large followings, yet this doesn’t inherently signify the highest path.

It is natural to feel shocked or disillusioned, as these emotions can foster healthy introspection. They prompt the realization that the true measure lies beyond appearances, lifestyles, or the size of followings and amount of Ashrams.

The essential question pertains to whether a spiritual teacher can genuinely aid in attaining the highest Soul Liberation rather than merely give a sense of comfort or belonging. While there are many beautiful aspects to consider, being embraced by a warm community may evoke a sense of home and friendship. However, it's crucial to reflect on whether one's Soul is truly progressing upwards.

Life is fleeting, and within the few decades left in this life, imagine settling in a place where you feel welcomed and comfortable, yet your Soul has advanced only marginally. It can be difficult to surrender such comforts because it’s easy to give up what doesn’t feel good and 1,000 times more difficult to give up what does.

"The true meaning of renunciation is to surrender everything for the sake of the highest Soul Liberation." ~Sat Mindo Dev

On the path of surrender, the initial teachings revolve around letting go of things that are detrimental to one's well-being, such as anger, fear, sadness, and negative influences. As one progresses, more challenging forms of surrender may be required.

Upon the transcendence of Brahmanda, the Soul becomes free from any deceptive ploys orchestrated by Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan.

Kal Niranjan, Lord Brahm, Kaal
Kal Niranjan / Lord Brahm

It's worth noting that Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan has crafted "mirror worlds" to guide Souls toward fake Satya-Lok / Sach Khand, illusory creations, leading many Souls astray. This knowledge is intended for those earnestly seeking Liberation (Moksha), as True Liberation transcends mere adherence to commonly followed paths or reaching a familiar heavenly abode.

Consequently, only a select few Souls, including Gurus, ever reach the True Divine Home of Satya-Lok / Sach Khand. This underscores the significance of Sant Kabir Das discernment, as he possesses the insight to see through all illusions and Lord Brahm's deceptive tricks.

The Role of Sant Kabir Das

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Sant Kabir Das

Sant Kabir Das is one of the original beings from Satya-Lok / Sach Khand. He is the emanation of Sat Purush, the Supreme Light of God, who is dedicated to guiding Souls back to their True Divine Home. He has witnessed Lord Brahm's creation of Brahmanda universes and has a deep understanding of the complexities of creation.

Gyani, also known as Sant Kabir Das in his recent incarnation, originated from the Divine Sat Purush before the existence of ALL universes! He has been a guiding light for Souls, aiming to reconnect them to the highway of Divine Light and Sound Stream (the Shabd), facilitating the Soul's return to the path of true spiritual liberation.

Sant Kabir Das interactions with Kal Niranjan have provided insight into his deceptive motivations for creating his universes (21 Brahmandas) and the challenges of entrapment of the Souls associated with his creations.

Sant Kabir Das has endeavored to help Souls navigate the illusions and distractions posed by Lord Brahm's creations, aiming to guide them toward true spiritual progress. However, due to the allure of deities like Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, Sat Kabir Das has faced rejection from many Souls deeply entrenched in these illusions, hindering their ability to recognize the guidance he offers as a true Sat Guru.

In his most recent incarnation in the 15th century, Kabir faced a challenging environment marked by conflict between Brahmins and Muslims, where only a few Souls recognized his true essence. As a result, the journey back to Divine Satya-Lok / Sach Khand demands significant discernment, support from a true Sat Guru, dedication, and inner strength.

Reflecting on my personal journey, a distinct memory arises when I opened up to Presence Consciousness. I was amazed by the profound sense of Beingness, often referred to as Cosmic Consciousness. Initially, my mind deemed this experience sufficient. However, an inner urging impelled me forward. The higher will continued to propel me. Upon awakening to the Awareness Level of Consciousness, my mind initially believed this to be the ultimate step, as it is often portrayed as the pinnacle by many Non-Dual spiritual teachers. Nevertheless, through the cultivation of deeper discernment, I encountered increasingly elevated beings who revealed the narrow pathways leading upward to the True Divine Home.

Sincerity in one's pursuit, regardless of the specific religious or spiritual path followed, is very valuable, as it aligns one's endeavors with a higher purpose. It is evident that many religions and spiritual paths offer assistance in various ways, contributing to the spiritual growth of individuals to a certain extent.

However, it's important to recognize that only a few paths lead to higher spiritual realms such as ParBrahmanda and even above to the Divine abode. Only a few paths guide Souls toward Satya-Lok / Sach Khand, where True Soul Liberation is achieved, and the Soul back Home to the Supreme God Sat Purush.

sat purush, sach khand, satya lok, sat lok
Sat Purush


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