Adhya - Also known as Goddess Durga.
Adi Sat Guru – ‘Primal’ or ‘first’. Anointed Sat Guru who has brought forth a unique Divine Lineage as a blessing to Humanity.
Agam Lok - Fourth highest Divine region; ‘Inaccessible, Unapproachable’; home of Agam Purush.
Alakh Lok - Second highest pure Divine spiritual region; ‘Indescribable, Invisible, Unperceivable’; home of Alakh Purush.
Anahad Shabd - Unstruck music, created without striking any instrument; music of the Astral plane; also, Anahad Nad, Anahad Bani.
Anami Lok - Fifth Highest Divine region; ‘Nameless’; home of Anami Purush.
Anda - Astral Realm; ‘Egg’, a second subdivision of Brahmanda; lies between the Physical Plane (Pinda) and the Causal Plane (Brahmanda).
Anurag Sagar - ‘Ocean of Love’; a story of God’s Creation in book form by Sant Kabir Das.
Atma, Atman - Soul, Spirit
Bani - Scripture, verses, teachings when associated with a Perfect Master; esoterically, another term for Shabd, the Divine Light and Sound Stream.
Bhagavad Gita - ‘Song of the Lord’; Sanskrit scripture that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, which presents a synthesis of the concepts of Dharma, Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja Yoga, and Samkhya philosophy.
Bhajan - Devotional practice of listening to the Inner Divine Light and Sound Current; a devotional song.
Bhakti - Devotion to God physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Saguna Bhakti is devotion with form, and Nirguna Bhakti is formless devotion, which is a more advanced form of devotion, as propagated by Sant Kabir Das.
Brahma - Hindu God; One of the Hindu Trinity, along with Vishnu and Mahesh (Shiva); functions as the ‘Creator’ in the lower Three Worlds. It is viewed as the goal of spiritual practice by the followers of Yoga Preceptors.
Brahmanda - Causal/Universal Region; lies between the Astral Plane (Anda) and BrahmaJyoti; contains the regions of all Gods and Goddesses.
BrahmaJyoti - Effulgent Light of Lord Brahm; lies between the Brahmanda and ParBrahmanda regions.
Chaurasi - The wheel of eighty-four of transmigration. The name indicates the concept in Hindu scriptures of 8,400,000 species in the creation. Mystics have adopted this phrase to tell of the multiplicity of births that Souls pass through in creation, according to the law of karma.
Darshan - Grace or blessing received from seeing or being seen by a Being of certain spiritual advancement; the ‘auspicious sight’ of a Holy person.
Dharam Das - Soul that was pursued through four yugas by Sant Kabir Das to ensure his salvation, as told in the Anurag Sagar; prophesied to be followed by forty-two incarnations of subsequent Masters.
Dharam Raj - Lord of Judgment, Lord of Death; also known as Yamraj or Kal Niranjan. Holder of the accounts of the uninitiated Soul's deeds.
Dhyan - Meditation, as a state of penetrating and focused attention; with Simran and Bhajan, the means to dispel the illusion of Maya and Kal Niranjan.
Divine Vidya - Divine Transcendent Knowledge that illuminates the path to the true Divine regions and acknowledges the Soul's central role and its origin from the Supreme God Source Sat Purush, offering a comprehensive spiritual roadmap.
Durga - Goddess and mother of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; most popular form of Goddess Devi; in her form as Durga, she is not associated with any God and can display both benevolent and wrathful aspects; within tantric traditions, she is called Shakti.
Dwapar Yuga - ‘Bronze Age’, a decline in truth and religious values in evidence; 864,000 years in duration, with human lifespans of 1,000 years.
Egg - The term refers to the egg-shaped form of the lower universe with its Three Worlds. The terms Anda and Brahmanda mean ‘egg’ and ‘egg of Brahm’, respectively.
Gautama Buddha - Avatar; (est. 558-491 BCE); ninth incarnation of avatar of Lord Vishnu, according to Vaishnava Hinduism; founder of Buddhism as a religion; established a monastic order in eastern India; adopted the Noble Eightfold Path, or Middle Way, to enlightenment as a means of liberation.
Ground State – A region where the Soul and Spirit are holding karma at the bottom.
Guna - Quality, peculiarity, attribute, property. The three gunas and their origins are: Sattva (Vishnu), goodness, constructive, harmonious; Rajas (Brahma), passion, active, confused; and Tamas (Shiva), darkness, destructive, chaotic. They are present in all things, and their interplay defines someone’s or something’s character or nature, determining progress in life.
Guru - Spiritual teacher who has attained mastery at the level of ParBrahmanda. Guide and protector of the spiritual aspirant. A spiritually advanced being who has liberated their Soul from the Pinda, Anda, Brahmanda, and BrahmaJyoti regions, thus becoming free from the grip of Lord Brahm/Kal Niranjan.
True Gurus are very rare and have more powers to guide Souls and liberate them (up to their own abode) than Yoga Preceptors or Yogis.
Guru Bhakti - Devotion to the Guru.
Gurudev - Radiant form of the male spiritual teacher.
Guru Granth Sahib - Primary scripture of the Sikh religion; originally compiled in 1604 by Bhai Gurdas under the direction of Guru Arjan Dev Ji; renamed from original Adi Granth Sahib by the Sikh orthodox after the tenth Guru, Guru Gobind Singh, left the body; intended to serve as the living Guru in the absence of a recognized living Master.
Guruma - Radiant form of the female spiritual teacher.
Guru Mat - Spiritual path of devotion to one’s guru.
Gurumukh - ‘Mouthpiece of the Guru’; devotee who has submitted their being to the Guru, enabling them to give full expression to the Guru's teachings.
Guru Nanak – Adi Sat Guru; (1469-1539); first in the lineage of Sikh Masters; Guru of Bhai Lena (Guru Angad); contemporary of Sant Kabir Das.
Gyani - Divine Knower. Gyan means knowledge in the Highest Divine Sense; the esoteric knowledge of Divine regions.
Hansa/Hamsa - Swan; iconic image for the Soul, as a swan resting on Mansarovar, the Pool of Nectar in ParBrahmanda.
Hanuman - Devotee of Rama; one of the chieftains of Sugriva, lord of the monkey-like Vanara race; rescued Rama's wife Sita from the demon king Ravana; widely revered in India as the consummate disciple.
Individual Spirit - The living essence of love and virtue that travels the Sound Channel within to reunite with the Divine in its origin. It resides in the true spiritual heart Amrita Nadi.
Indra - Hindu god; king of the gods; the god of rain and thunder; Hindu equivalent of the Greek god Zeus.
Initiation - Initiation into Divine Marga by a Living Sat Guru, connecting the Soul with the Divine Light and Sound Current, the power of Naam/Shabd.
Jesus the Christ - ‘Christ (Anointed One)’, founder of the Christian religion; some references to Divine Light and Sound are found in the New Testament.
Jiva - The Soul when bound and forgetful. The Soul is indestructible and eternal, and it shall be sustained forever and cannot decay.
Jyoti - Light and another name for Maya; also denoting Prakriti.
Jyoti Niranjan - The form assumed by Maya and Kal.
Kailash - The heaven of Shiva and Kuber; one of the three eminences in Trikuti, with Mer and Sumer.
Kal Niranjan - Time personified; the Negative Power; one of the sixteen sons of Sat Purush; ruler and creator of the lower Three Worlds: Pinda, Anda, and Brahmanda.
Kali Yuga - ‘Iron Age’, the Age of irreligion and ignorance as religious principles are in full decline; most religions will disappear completely within a few thousand years; Kali Yuga lasts 432,000 years, with a human lifespan of only 100 years.
Karma - Action, work, or deed, and its repercussions; referring to the principle of cause and effect; the intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect), which keeps a Soul wandering in the cycle of transmigration. There are four types of karma: mahasunyata karma; prarabdha karma; kriyamana karma; sanchita karma.
Karunamai - An incarnation of Kabir in Dwapara Yuga, the third of four yugas, the Copper Age; instructs Queen Indra Mati in the details of the Creation, as described in the book Anurag Sagar.
Krishna - Eighth Avatar of Vishnu, Hindu God who gave the oral teaching of Bhagavad Gita; central character in Mahabharata who came to usher in Kali Yuga.
Kriya - ‘Action, deed, effort’; most commonly refers to a ‘completed action’; technique or practice within a yoga discipline meant to achieve a specific result or outer manifestation. Yoga Kriyas are cleansing techniques. Lord Krishna in Bhagavad Gita advocates a form of yoga, called ‘Kriya Yoga’.
Kriyamana Karma - Karma created during the current incarnation of a Soul, and is stored at the heart center. It has to do with the direct consequences of thoughts, words, and deeds. Overcoming this form of karma is achieved by activating successively higher octaves of will until the individual will can be guided by the Higher Will.
Kundalini Shakti - The raw feminine energy that allows you to become aware of the higher forms beyond the conscious mind, enabling those forms to operate. When it is fully awakened in the Anda region, it reveals the nature of the Soul. It also operates in Brahmanda and ParBrahmanda, and has its origin in the Divine region.
Kurma - First Son of sixteen Sons created at the beginning of Creation by Sat Purush; provided the material for creation of the lower worlds by Kal.
Lakshmi - Hindu Goddess of fortune and wealth; wife of Vishnu; also called Padma, Kamala, Shri.
Lineage - A succession or network of spiritual teachers who carry out spiritual ministry.
Lok - Region or plane; typically refers to the three planes of Triloki (physical, astral, and causal) and a fourth plane, Satya Lok, the plane of Truth; in Indian mythology, three ‘Loks’ are delineated as Patal lok (Underworld or Netherworld), Bhoo lok (the Earth plane), and Swarg lok (the Heavenly plane).
Mahabharata - One of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India; an epic narrative of the Kurukshetra War and the fates of the Kaurava and Pandava princes; composed by Ved Vyasa as an allegorical story of the inner science, long before it was historically acted out at the turn of Dwapar to Kali Yuga, to veil it's true importance; also contains some other principal works, like Bhagavad Gita, Damayanti's story, etc., and is the longest known epic poem of mankind; the longest version comprises about 200,000 verses.
Maha Kal - Form of Kurma whose abode is in MahaSunyata.
Maha Pralay - ‘Great Dissolution’: dissolution of Creation that occurs up to the region of the Great Void.
MahaSunyata - ‘Great Void’ home of Maha Kal; its enthralling beauty is said to capture spiritual beings who try to traverse it without the protection of Sat Guru.
MahaSunyata Karma - Karma between Soul and its origin in Satya Lok/Sach Khand.
Mahesh - Hindu God; one of the Hindu Trinity; also known as Shiva, the 'destroyer' of the lower Three Worlds.
Maninder - From Anurag Sagar, the name of Gyani (Kabir) during His incarnation in Treta Yuga.
Manmukh - One who is given to obey the dictates of the mind being influenced by the five thieves of lust, anger, greed, attachment, and ego; one who shows indifference to the teachings of a Guru.
Mansarovar - Pool of nectar in the ParBrahmanda region beyond the three lower worlds, where the Soul is cleansed of lower karma upon immersion.
Mantra - ‘Instrument of thought’; name, word, or phrase repeated orally or silently to inculcate desired trait or blessing of a specific god or deity, or to transport someone to a specific transcendental location.
Marga - A spiritual path.
Matsya - The first incarnation of Vishnu, in the form of a fish or whale.
Maya - ‘Illusion’, co-creator of the three lower worlds with Kal (Physical, Astral, Causal).
Mukti - Act of liberating or redeeming the Soul from the cycle of birth and death.
Naam - Sound Current, synonymous with Shabd, the Word, Logos, ‘Name’.
Nada - Inner channels of Light and Sound that connect the Spirit with its origin.
Niranjan - Kal Niranjan; one of the 16 Beings emanated by Sat Purush; creator (with Adhya (Durga), Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) of the lower Three Worlds (Physical, Astral, Causal); the negative power.
Nirat - ‘Absorption in’; in the spiritual sense, the Soul's faculty or power of intrinsic seeing; one of the two faculties (seeing and hearing) left to the Soul after leaving the realm of the sense organs behind; see also Surat (Soul's faculty of hearing).
Nirvana - A timeless conscious state free from desire, suffering, and karmic rebirth; also known as Mukti and Moksha. In Buddhism, Nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment.
Omkar Japa - Practice of repeating the mantra ‘OM’, either orally or mentally.
ParBrahmanda - First spiritual region above the three lower worlds of negative power, where the Soul gets cleansed of all lower karma and impressions by bathing in the Mansarovar, the Pool of Nectar; recognizing the relationship of the Soul with the Creator; the Soul's Light here equals twelve suns.
Parvati - Hindu Goddess of beauty, fertility, marriage, and arts; wife of Shiva; mother of Ganesha and Skanda; considered to be the gentle and nurturing aspect of Shakti, the great mother Goddess.
Patala - Netherworld, described in the Puranas as seven regions of darkness below Earth and above the region of hells, which are ruled by different demons and serpents, and lit by jewels worn by its inhabitants; Earth and Patala are supported on the head of the thousand-headed serpent Shesh Nag, also known as Adi Shesh.
Pinda - The physical plane with only a small fraction of mind and an even tinier portion of Spirit present. Our Earth is but a humble part of this vast Pinda. Pinda, Anda, and Brahmanda form the Three Worlds of Kal's creation.
Pingala - One of three energy flows within the body (Ida, Pingla, and Sushumna): nadi associated with solar energy, the sympathetic nerve system controlling the right side of the body and the left hemisphere of the brain; also, Pingla.
Prana - ‘Life’ is the vital force of the body that regulates other body processes, not to be confused with the Soul, subject to decay and destruction; the oldest and greatest of all the functional elements of the body, without which the Soul or Jiva would leave the body instantaneously.
Prarabdha Karma - Karma, which constitute one’s preset destiny, stored and acted out from the eight-petaled lotus at one’s forehead; the fate karmas of wealth and poverty, health and sickness, happiness and unhappiness. The aspects of karma that are worked out in human life. These patterns exist in the unconscious mind and are not controlled by will or intention.
Rama - Hindu God; avatar of Vishnu in Treta Yuga, brother of Lakshman, husband of Sita. Rama is a virtuous hero and model of right action and virtue. He is considered the ideal man and the embodiment of dharma.
Ramayana - An ancient Indian epic, as it is known nowadays, which tells the story of King Rama and his wife Sita, later on translated into Hindi (Awadhi) by Tulsi Das Ji; originally written by Rishi Valmiki as an allegorical narrative of the Soul's journey before it was acted out at the turn from Sat Yuga to Treta Yuga to veil its true inner meaning.
Reincarnation - Rebirth of Soul into more than one life. In each life, the Soul animates a new physical body, constructs a new personality, and works out different karmic issues. The records of former incarnations in this cycle of time are stored in the Akashic Ether.
Sach Khand/Satya Lok - ‘True and Imperishable Region’; the spiritual region above the Great Void, home of Sat Gurus.
Sadhana - An ego-transcending spiritual practice in Indian religions. The disciplined, regular practice of meditation techniques. Constant efforts to achieve a maximum level of perfection in all streams of day-to-day life can be described as Sadhana.
Sahaj - Esoterically, the transition from a state of ‘becoming’ to a state of ‘being’ at 'One' with the Supreme Lord; Sahaj Samadhi is the state of identification with the Ultimate Reality, beginning in ParBrahmanda and completed in the Divine regions.
Samadhi - Meditative absorption; a state of consciousness where one’s mind is unified into single-pointed attention with the object of one’s meditation.
Sanchita Karma - Storehouse of a Soul's unredeemed karma, stored in fortress-like structures within the Causal Plane. It is from this store that the fate karmas (prarabdha) are drawn. The type of karma that separates the Spirit from its origin. This type of karma blocks the channels of Nada.
Sangat - Congregation of followers of a Guru; on the whole, those who have received Naam initiation; in Buddhism, denoting the totality of all the followers, especially all the monks; derived from Sangh, meaning ‘company’.
Sanskari/Samskari Souls - Souls acting under the influence of sanskaras, meaning ‘mental impressions, recollections, psychological imprints.’
Sant Kabir Das – Adi Sat Guru (1398-1528) from Kashi; author of Anurag Sagar (Ocean of Love); first Sat Guru to manifest in all 4 Yugas.
Sar Shabd – ‘Essential Sound’; manifestation of the Sound Current heard in ParBrahmanda.
Sat Guru - ‘True Guru’, who has gained mastery in the region of Satya Lok/Sach Khand. Sat Gurus are commissioned by the Supreme God to redeem lost Souls and guide Souls back to their True Home, Satya Lok/Sach Khand.
Sat Guru has attained complete Soul Liberation from the Pinda, Anda, Brahmanda, BrahmaJyoti, and ParBrahmanda regions, and has been established in the True Divine Regions. True Sat Gurus are extremely rare; it is the greatest blessing in one's lifetime to meet one, and they have many more powers to guide and fully liberate Souls than Gurus, Yoga Preceptors, or Yogis.
Sat Guru refers to any Master, such as Sant Kabir Das, who has descended from Satya Lok/Sach Khand, or who has merged with the Pure Spiritual Power, Pure Source/Sat Purush.
Esoterically, it refers to the Master Power manifesting on the level of Sat Purush, as distinguished from the same Power manifesting on the lower inner planes as the Radiant Form or Gurudev, and on the physical plane as Guru. This trinity of Sat Guru/Gurudev/Guru is roughly analogous to the Buddhist Dharmakaya, Sambhogakaya, Nirmanakaya, or three ‘bodies’ (forms or manifestations) of Buddha.
Satya Lok - ‘True Region’; Sach Khand, the first Divine region. Home of Sat Gurus, Divine and Liberated Souls, and Supreme God Sat Purush.
Sat Nam – ‘True Name’; Appellation of the Lord of the first Divine region of Sach Khand/Satya Lok.
Sat Purush - ‘True Being’; presides over Sach Khand/Satya Lok; also called Akal Purush. The Supreme God personification of the first Divine region and all creation below. Also called the Supreme Father or Sat Nam, the highest form of God that can be called personal. Souls are created by Sat Purush out of Himself.
Satsang - In Association with Truth’; to be in the company of the Truth of a Living Master; typically, outwardly, through hearing the Master's discourses and receiving His Darshan; also, in the inner context, to be absorbed in the Inner Divine Light and Sound Current of Truth.
Satsangi - One who is attending Satsang, inner or outer; an initiate of Divine Marga.
Sat Shabd - Highest form of the Sound Current emanating from Anami Purush.
Sat Sukrit - Name of Kabir in His incarnation in Sat Yuga.
Sat Yuga – ‘Golden Age’, cyclical Age of Truth and true religion, where all are truthful; the first of four yugas that lasts 1.728 million years, with a human lifespan of up to 100,000 years.
Seva - Selfless service, charitable actions by and from mind, body, and wealth. Seva can be done physically or through the Soul. The Highest Service is that which is done through the Soul – by connecting oneself with the Divine Light and Sound Current.
Sevadar/Sevak – A person who performs various acts of selfless service as devotion to the Guru; including physical, financial, and spiritual, in the form of Bhajan and Simran; a sevak is one who performs seva throughout the day.
Shabda - The Divine Light and Sound Current, also called Naam or Word. The projected Creative Force of the Pure Spiritual Power, or Sat Purush, is ultimately responsible for the entire creation, and present in each individual in the form of Light and Sound, which can be seen and heard, and which are the agency that pulls the Soul back to higher essence, Sat Purush.
Shesh Nag - A primordial serpent figure, ruler of a clan, which is a figure in Indian mythology. On the whole, his role in Anurag Sagar is minor. Later in the poem, he is a mother figure, nourishing the still-unborn earth in its embryonic stage.
Shiva - Hindu God; one of the Hindu Trinity with Brahma and Vishnu; the ‘Destroyer’; also called Mahesh.
Simran - Repetition of names or thoughts; repeated by an initiate throughout the day and when sitting for meditation as a means of collecting the thought currents at the Third Eye Center; also used as a password of sorts to Higher Planes and protection from negative power influences.
Sins and Virtues - Kal Niranjan is the Lord of law or justice. The law of karma – called ‘sins’ and ‘virtues’ – originates from him.
Sita - Avatar of Lakshmi; consort of Rama; adopted daughter of King Janak who found her while plowing for a yajna; kidnapped by Ravana.
Soul - The immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life. As the context shows, Souls are created by Sat Purush out of Himself.
Souls can be brought into life by Adhya (Goddess Durga) in Brahmanda (as she holds a gift of Sat Purush), constituting the term Younger Souls who are either not interested in spirituality or interested in lower regions of creation.
Souls who are brought into life in ParBrahmanda are Older Souls. These Souls are generally interested in Satsang, Self-Realization, and Enlightenment, and those who follow the Self-Mastery path have the potential to become Yogis, Yoga Preceptors, or even Gurus.
Souls coming directly from the Divine region are Divine/Master Souls, who have the potential to become Sat Gurus, with the specific purpose of helping other Souls to return to their True Divine Home.
All Souls have the potential to become fully Liberated in this lifetime. In Satya Lok/Sach Khand, the light of one Soul is equal to that of 16 suns. The naked Soul, no longer covered with all those subtle bodies, is the light, the brightness, the illumination of 16 suns.
Spirit - Used in its capitalized form, Spirit refers to God’s Love-In-Action and the primal essence out of which mind, energy, and matter were manifested. Masters unite with Divine Spirit, and channel its energy to others to unfold their spiritual potentials, purify their forms, illumine their minds and bodies, and awaken their spirits. Used in its lowercase form, spirit refers to the individual spirit.
Surat - ‘Face’; in the spiritual sense, attention of the Soul, or the 'face' of the Soul, which is the outward expression of the Soul; also, the Soul's faculty of intrinsic hearing; one of the two faculties left to the Soul after leaving the realm of the sense organs behind; see also Nirat (Soul's faculty of seeing).
Sushumna - ‘Gracious’; one of three energy flows in the body (Ida, Pingla, Sushumna); the central channel (nadi) in the astral body that provides a pathway to higher regions; energized, usually, during dawn and dusk; non-dualistic by nature.
Three Worlds - Pinda (physical), Anda (astral), and Brahmanda (causal).
Treta Yuga - ‘Silver Age’, the second of the four-yuga cycle; introduction of ignorance takes place in this age; lasts 1.296 million years, with a human lifespan of up to 10,000 years.
Trikuti - ‘Three Mountains’; (Mer, Sumer, and Kailesh); home of the Gods; lower part situated at top of Anda, and upper part constitutes the first region of Brahmanda.
Triloki - ‘Three worlds’: the lower Three Worlds of Pinda, Anda, and Brahmanda (physical, astral, and causal).
Vedas - The best known of all Hindu scriptures. Their origin – they are created by Kal – is an important event in Anurag Sagar.
Vishnu - Hindu God; one of the Hindu Trinity with Brahma and Shiva; ‘Sustainer, Preserver’ of the lower Three Worlds; Kal in his aspect as preserver.
Vivek - Discrimination, power of discernment; one of the original Beings emanated from Sat Purush; one of the four Sadhana Chatushtaya (qualities needed for spiritual discipleship): discrimination between ephemeral and permanent (Nitya and Anitya), real and unreal (Sat and Asat), Self and non-self (Atma and Anatma), pleasure and bliss (Ananda); also, vivek buddhi.
Yama - Lord of Judgment; Lord of Death; Kal Niranjan; Dharam Raj.
Yama Pur - ‘Region of Death’; home of its ruler, Dharam Raj, the Hindu Lord of Death; where the fruits of the uninitiated Soul’s karma, in the absence of a Master’s Grace, are meted out through the chaurasi (the ocean of life and death); the three lower planes of creation of Kal; including the heavens and hells.
Yogi - Those who have attained a certain degree of mastery and empowerment to teach specific Yoga paths, such as, non-duality (Jnana Yoga), or path of devotion (Bhakti Yoga), etc. Some of them also develop special abilities called Siddhis. Their consciousness is mostly settled in the Anda or Brahmanda regions, and their Souls are not liberated from our local universe, Brahmanda.
Yoga Preceptor - Spiritually advanced being who has settled in Brahmanda and often teaches from the BrahmaJyoti region. Yoga Preceptors are Yoga Lineage Holders, such as, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Kriya Yoga, Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Nada Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Agni Yoga, etc. Their Soul is liberated from the Pinda and Anda regions, to some degree, from Brahmanda, up to the BrahmaJyoti region. Many seekers believe that these are teachers of the Highest Order, but, in fact, there are many stages of mastery beyond this level. These teachings speak of Brahma as the highest stage of spirituality, and Ishwara as the Supreme form of God.
Yuga - One of the four Ages of Hindu cosmology (Sat, Dwapar, Treta, Kali) that constitutes one cycle of Mahayuga.