Hunting The I-Thought Meditation & Transmission
Clear Seeing of the Root of the Mind & Column of Awareness Meditation
Hunting the I-Thought is possible because of the clarity of seeing. The veil is transparent and crystal clear; thus, a certain sharpness becomes available. Every time the root cause of suffering rises, awareness notices and witnesses it. You become like a hunter. Aware Clarity can notice and see the initial contraction rising. Awareness catches it; thus, the “I” starts to weaken and loosen its strength. This way, the boundless awareness strengthens.
Supra Causal Truth Consciousness transcends the causality, where the Absolute Self becomes more visible and clear. The light of Full Consciousness is now shining through the seeker like via a diamond or a crystal, so there is much more clarity of Seeing. The seed of the mind and its way of birthing a sense of separation also becomes crystal clear.
Format: Video
Duration: 18:14