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Golden Tree, Violet Flame, Pink Inner Love Guided Meditation

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Inner Love is intelligent & unconditional love, it is beyond intellect, and it is love that has a mutual attraction and not necessarily towards a woman or a man.

Love on a lower level of consciousness is emotional love. Usually, it's reflected through your relationship with your partner, but on a higher level of consciousness, the intelligent love guides you within. A mutual attraction can be with your heart, with your own soul, with your deepest heart. Your deeper heart is calling you an attraction. It's giving you and sending you signals and messages to your conscious mind to connect with something deeper.

Pink Flame has a twofold purpose: re-union with all aspects of ourselves and Unconditional Love of All and of Self. Reunion of all forms of Self is bringing all forms of Self; it is the returning of all aspects of the Soul back to the One. It is acknowledging and accepting all we have been in our past lives. It is the acceptance of our own yin and yang, our own light and dark. And knowing all, we love unconditionally all parts of ourselves as part of the One. And in seeing this in ourselves, we can then see it in everyone and Love All unconditionally.

The Violet Flame is an invisible spiritual energy, the seventh ray of the Holy Spirit, that appears violet to those who have developed their spiritual vision. Saints and adepts of East and West have long used the violet flame to accelerate their spiritual development. Still, this once-secret knowledge was not revealed to the masses until the twentieth century. The violet flame revitalizes and invigorates us and changes negative energy into positive energy. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings, the violet flame provides a platform for our healing.

Format: Video
Duration: 28:20

Golden Tree, Violet Flame, Pink Inner Love Guided Meditation
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