Bandhas | The 3 Locks of the Spine
Bandhas make a major contribution to the cleansing process in the body. They assist in unblocking the flow of energy in those parts where toxins or waste have accumulated.
The Sanskrit word ‘Bandha’ means ‘to seal’ or ‘lock.’ During a bandha practice, we seal or lock a particular area in the trunk using compression or contraction. The major bandhas in the body are Jalandhara, Uddiyana, and Mula Bandha.
Jalandhara bandha includes the compression of the windpipe and esophagus by pressing the chin against the neck. Uddiyana bandha include the contraction of the area between the diaphragm and pelvis. Mula bandha includes the contraction of the muscles between the navel and pelvis. When all are combined in a single practice, they acquire the superior name, ‘Maha Bandha.’ The benefits of each are enhanced when a practitioner performs Maha Bandha.
Lyonne is a way-shower and guide who shares the teachings of a Non-Dual life and compassionately uncovers peoples’ potential to become empowered selves and awakened to the inherent truth within. She has worked with people from all walks of life as a teacher, healer, and mentor. Lyonne invites you to Surrender into the IS-ness of life. To know your deepest essence and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-loving and radiant awareness.
Format: Video
Duration: 25:31