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Balancing Inner Feminine & Masculine | Opening the Oneness of Heart
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Both men and women have masculine and feminine energies: male/female, Yang/Yin, sun/earth, light/dark, left brain/right brain, Shiva/Shakti. We have been conditioned by society and the educational system to always be in our masculine - to keep taking action, setting goals, meeting strict deadlines, and being in the doing mode all the time. From a young age, we have always been taught to think, be logical, analyze, and use our heads. It is this masculine energy that makes us take action. But, if we are always thinking and doing, we become depleted. This explains why so many of us are drained and have chronic fatigue, anxiety, depression, stress, and feeling overwhelmed.
Since women live in this patriarchal society, they had to embody the masculine energies… the doing/action, thinking rather than feeling. So women must learn to reconnect to their Shakti, Goddess, and feminine intuition.
A man becomes whole when he embodies his inner feminine energies, and a woman becomes whole when she embodies her inner masculine energies. When a man integrates his inner feminine, his inner Shakti becomes alive; he no longer needs to take the Shakti from a woman as he has it integrated within him.
However, using too much of our masculine or feminine energies will create disharmony in our lives. The key is balance. There needs to be a balance between using the right and left brain. Too much thinking and doing drains us, while too much dreaming leads to not taking any actions. Favoring one energy is to the detriment of the other. If you are in a job requiring you to sit in the office and use your left brain, take a hobby of drawing, dancing, creating, etc., home. This not only brings balance but also activates your right brain.
Format: Video
Duration: 23:55
Format: Video
Duration: 23:55
Balancing Inner Feminine & Masculine | Opening the Oneness of Heart
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