Measuring Levels of Consciousness with Kinesiology
Levels of Consciousness can be measured in several different ways. Here we will discuss how it’s done and how it works.
Applied Kinesiology (AK), also known as ‘muscle testing’ or ‘biomechanics’, is a well-known and well-documented method to diagnose anything, from illness to food intolerances. This was the brainchild of chiropractor George J. Goodheart, who first invented AK in 1964, when he realized that beneficial stimuli increase the strength of certain indicator muscles, while harmful stimulation causes the same muscles to weaken suddenly. The method has since spread all over the world, and is used by both medical doctors and alternative practitioners.
Dr. John Diamond took the research to a new level when he started to test muscle response to intellectual and emotional stimuli. He tested everything, from music to speeches and images, obtaining consistent universal results, indicating that certain intellectual and emotional stimuli strengthen or weaken the indicator muscle. His findings are described in detail in his classic book The Body Doesn’t Lie.
Dr. David R. Hawkins (M.D., Ph.D.) was the first to use Applied Kinesiology to measure consciousness levels. As a high-level teacher, he saw the potential of muscle testing within the realm of spiritual growth and consciousness development. He used muscle testing to calibrate the first original scale of consciousness, and he published many books and delivered many lectures about consciousness calibration and development.
How Does Applied Kinesiology (Muscle Testing) Work?

Just like Hypnosis can bypass the conscious mind and obtain answers and information directly from the subconscious, the Muscle Testing method is a way of circumventing logic/reasoning to obtain answers directly from the body’s connection to Source Intelligence. Muscle testing is simply using the body’s innate connectedness to Source Intelligence to obtain a ‘yes or no’ signal about something our conscious mind does not know.
In practice, it is most common to perform muscle testing in pairs. The subject being used as an instrument would stand up with their arm stretched out to the side. The tester then makes an affirmative statement, like ‘Person X calibrates higher than LOC Positivity’ and presses the subject’s arm down at the wrist. The subject is instructed beforehand to resist the push, and if the arm goes weak, it indicates a ‘no’ response, whereas a strong arm suggests a ‘yes’ response.
Other methods of Consciousness Calibration
While muscle testing is a great way to calibrate, its downside is that it takes two people to do it. Fortunately, alternative ways are just as accurate as you can do this on your own.

Dowsing can be done using a pendulum or dowsing rods. It is based on the same principle as regular Muscle Testing. Through practice and attunement, the ‘yes or no’ response is produced via the pendulum's movement or the crossing or no-crossing of the dowsing rods, as indicated by the image.
Intuition is not as accurate as muscle testing or dowsing. Still, it can roughly estimate a person’s Level of Consciousness for high-level teachers and people with much calibrating experience.
Accuracy – Can anyone do it?
Muscle testing or dowsing is something anyone can play with, but just like anything else, it takes practice and experience to master it. Ideally, being at least in LOC Inner Love would help to obtain more accurate results. However, a high level of Consciousness alone is not enough to ensure accurate results. It would help to ‘put yourself aside’ and be neutral to the results that are obtained thereby allowing the signal to work through the body without interfering with it.
To calibrate a person’s Level of Consciousness, you need to know enough to pinpoint that person. If you have enough information to do that (e.g., a picture, latest video or some good research), you are good to go. Calibrating yourself is also possible, but remaining neutral to the results becomes more challenging the more personal you allow it to be.
Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. 2002, Hay House
Truth vs. Falsehood by David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. 2005, Axial Publishing Company
Your Body Doesn’t Lie by John Diamond, M.D. 1979, Warner Books Inc