Divine Love (Satya Lok/Sach Khand)
The greatest and highest gift for every Soul is to be liberated and merge as one with God. Nothing else truly matters when you sense God's immense presence. The wound of separation will be resolved and dissolved, for these illusions were only created by the ego-I.
We often place considerable importance on doubts, uncertainty, worry, confusion, anxiety, and feeling lost. We must go beyond and transcend what binds us to certain limited ways, which, at its core, is ignorance.
If you are conscious of God's presence, there will be no place for confusion. God's realization is the highest form of awakening to which you can aspire. There are many degrees of awakening, yet our spiritual eyes are often so dulled that they must open up to gain greater insight.
Merging with God's love and bliss is not an easy task. It requires great strength to confront that which has generated such an illusion. This illusion is what causes suffering and struggle - the absorption of our focus and attention into something we are not.
Yet, we always have a choice, regardless of where we are within ourselves. That choice is to redirect our focus and attention towards God, the Divine.
How do we redirect our focus and attention away from an identity we thought we were or had believed ourselves to be, whether good or bad? It doesn't matter if this identity makes us feel positive or negative. How do we unplug from that identity and redirect our focus and attention to the nature of God, to the love and bliss of God, beyond any religions or particular ways?
God's nature is so direct despite the existence of numerous spiritual lineages and religious variations. These are pathways, guidelines to direct us in the right direction. Yet, at the same time, God is so direct, profound, and accessible right here. So why do we still live in uncertainties and confusion, in struggles that have become an integral part of the human way of living?
We must reverse this process and return to the origin, the source, and the purity of this endless ocean of love. This is God's love, ever so radiant and beautiful, beyond anything we have ever seen on this entire planet.
God's love is constant and unending. If God is blessing everyone at all times, what stands in our way? Why aren't we all absorbed in God's nature? Why aren't we all immersed in this Divine love that is beyond description? It's an unimaginable love, impossible to explain with words.
Associated Meditation Practice
It is our responsibility to be fully conscious of what we are investing in. These are subtle identities that play in our unconscious and subconscious minds, keeping us bound and veiled, like an eclipse, unable to perceive the beauty of God within us. Our focus and attention have been captivated by struggle and the perceived significance of this or that.
When we reach our deathbed and our entire life flashes before our eyes, as if these frames appear before us, if our Soul has not lived a spiritually nourishing and growth-filled life with all the necessary love, one could say that nothing truly valuable has occurred. All the importance and so-called struggles we identify with, as well as our confusions, dissolve on our deathbed. At that time, all that matters is the true presence of light, along with God's love and bliss.
Instead of waiting for that moment, we could redirect our focus and attention to move beyond the beyond. We can move past the distractions of this or that, not becoming fixated on anything in particular, as this can also hold us back.
You know that what worked for you in the past may no longer be effective. Be open to new ways. Be willing to go beyond yourself, for that is how you grow and awaken deeper by expanding what you know. Go beyond what you've already done and what you believe in. This is how transcendental ways will accelerate rapidly.
When you have faith in your heart and absolute trust in God, nothing else matters. Everything is allowed to be taken. Everything is allowed to be given up. It is only by becoming absolutely naked that you can reach Divine awareness, the plane of God's existence in all its depths and levels, and even beyond any dimension.
To enter the Divine, one must surrender absolutely everything. Are you ready to give up your doubts, confusions, and struggles? These are all false identities. Absolute surrender occurs when you allow your foundations to be pulled away and taken from you.
To be uplifted by the light of grace from these great masters, you must be willing to give up everything, including your spiritual knowledge and all the beautiful energies you have cultivated. It's not just the confusions, challenges, and fears that hold you back in some respects, but everything you've cultivated over your life, which is also an impediment.
If you identify with beautiful spiritual energies or virtues, you must give up those qualities as well. When we say we're giving it up, we mean it's no longer part of our identity. You transcend; you go beyond even these beautiful spiritual energies.​
When we lose everything, give up everything, or absolutely surrender everything, we will be ready. We are ready to be uplifted and merged back into this bliss and love of God, which is boundless, most magnificent and beautiful, beyond words, beyond anything we can comprehend.
So the intention, not just for now but for all time, is to have that recall within you - the remembrance of God's love within your deepest heart - and to continually remind yourself to redirect your focus and attention to that love, purity, and absolute within the core of your being. This is what these masters, avatars, and gurus of all ages, through all times and cycles, have always come to remind us: to awaken to God and God's presence within you.
Associated Meditation Practice
What is Divine Love? It is the deepest radiant Love that emanates from the Heart of the eternal Ocean of Consciousness. Beyond our five senses, beyond dualities, and all possible experiences, Divine Love sustains all universes, it is the glue that keeps all together.
This book contains spiritual gems:
Divine love can be seen everywhere, within everything, and beyond everything and everyone. Human civilization has forgotten the love and light of the Divine. It's been overlooked and neglected. This is the greatest cry I perceive in our humanity. We are crying out for love, to be seen, and to be acknowledged. We desire and expect love.
All of humanity's programming revolves around the wound of believing we are separate from our Divine nature. We have simply forgotten what it is like to live as Divine beings, to be always in union with God within. Thus, humanity experiences a great deal of pain in various ways and areas. But at the core of it all, the deepest wound is the separation from Oneness with God itself. That, in essence, is the most profound wound of all.
To remember the Divine nature within, we engage in various self-inquiry or devotional practices, and we learn how to surrender the ego 'I'. We continue this practice so that the ego 'I' does not obstruct the Divine nature within. The ego 'I' brings a feeling of separation at all levels and degrees. We are bound to suffer, regardless of how gross or subtle the ego 'I' is.
To move beyond this sense of 'I', which is the core wound of separation, we gather again to remind ourselves of our true nature. We believe we are somebody else, something else - the fragmented self, the one who suffers, the one who has experienced traumas - identifying with various identities of the separated self. Our true nature exists beyond birth and death. It is a nature that is always in blissful union and love for God.
Associated Meditation Practice
There is nothing in this world or in your five senses that can give you the greatest fulfillment of reuniting with the absolute Self. To realize your God-nature within, we can surrender that which obstructs it.
The true home begins in the Divine Regions. Some may be familiar with the Sat-Lok region. It is the Soul's eternal home, the eternal source of bliss and the emanation of God's light. It extends beyond what we know of this world or universe, and it transcends all universes. While all universes are cyclical in nature - created, sustained, and eventually perishing - your Divine true home is imperishable. It is your birthright to liberate your Soul from karmas, attachments, all desires, and delusions so that you, too, can return to your true home, where you belong in Oneness with God, as Divine nature itself.
This is an unwinding process. The words I speak are unimportant. You need not remember or believe what I am saying. I am here simply to illuminate and enlighten your path back home. Ultimately, it is your responsibility to realize who you are; no one else can accomplish this for you. You can be assisted, guided, and directed through the navigation. However, you are ultimately responsible for verifying this truth for yourself, and no one else can do so.
Devotion (Bhakti)​
By aligning ourselves with the path and purpose of our Soul, we are presented with a remarkable opportunity to rediscover the true essence of our existence.
Through the practice of Bhakti, we learn to prioritize the eternal love of the Supreme above all else, liberating our Souls from the constraints that confine us in the lower realms of existence. By surrendering both personal and impersonal aspects of our lives to the love of God, we open ourselves to embrace the essence of pure love and grace.
Just as faith and devotion are necessary for the Soul to cross into the Divine, which is the ultimate surrender, devotion at the highest level is devoting oneself to the formless One God (Nirguna Bkati) and merging with God.
At the highest level, faith dissolves into an absolute trust in God's will, even if things are not working out exactly how one wants them to. This trust is the highest intelligence, and faith helps us go beyond personal struggles and rely absolutely on God's will.