Planes of Existence
Gods of Creation in Hierarchical Order
Hinduism, recognized as the oldest and most evolved religion, explores the profound and intricate realm of Gods, Goddesses, and deities. While some may categorize Hinduism as polytheistic, it is, in essence, a monotheistic faith that acknowledges the existence of One Supreme God. Throughout its long history, various interpretations and deviations have emerged, leading certain lineages to diverge from the core teachings. However, this diversity does not negate the reality of the Supreme God, who remains the ultimate Source of all universes.
The presence of numerous deities in the vast creation of Pinda, Anda, Brahmanda, and ParBrahmanda Universes necessitates an understanding of their hierarchy and significance. In contrast, monotheistic religions, such as Islam and Christianity, may simplify this aspect, often overlooking the richness of Divine emanations.
Regardless of the religious framework, the hierarchy of Gods exists universally; yet it holds a unique and profound significance within Hinduism due to its vast array of deities. Each deity governs different levels of creation, embodying various qualities and powers. Nonetheless, the Supreme God remains a constant, unifying presence across all religions, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all spiritual paths and the ultimate truth that transcends individual beliefs.

1) Adi Sat Purush / Purna Brahm is known as the True Supreme Eternal God. This Divine Being is the Master of infinite universes, giving rise to ParBrahm, Lord Brahm, and all other Gods and Goddesses. It is fascinating to observe that various spiritual traditions recognize and connect with the same ultimate Source of Divinity, highlighting the universality of this Highest Power and the Source of all creation.​
“Just as the lotus blooms after getting the light of the sun, in the same way the sufferings of the Souls from ages and ages are finished after having darshan (vision and blessing) of Sat Purush (True Eternal Being, God).”
(Sant Kabir Das)
When the Supreme God limits Himself to some extent, however slightly, He becomes Anami Purush. If a little more limited, He is Agam Purush, etc. For the purpose of administering the affairs of Satya Lok/Sach Khand and all creations below, He then becomes Sat Purush. Sat Purush then becomes the first emanated Divine Supreme True One. Sat Nam, True Name, is that which defines His individuality.
The One Supreme God is expressed by many words, such as, Adi Sat Purush, Poorna Brahm, Hu, Ik Onkar, Akal, Hari, Ram, etc. All these words have been termed in an effort to convey to human intelligence the idea of the Supreme God as the Highest Power.
Adi Sat Purush, Primal True Lord, is the really existing Lord, as distinguished from all hypothetical Gods. That which is not Sat does not really exist. Sat means truth, reality, and existence. Hence, the fundamental idea of truth is existence. The untrue does not exist; the true does. Hence, truth and existence are synonymous terms.
Purush implies Being, and Being implies creative power, predominating and presiding Lord, the Source of all creative energy. Poorna Brahm means True Pure Lord. Akshar Purush means the first and fundamental principle of Being. Ekankar means the ‘One Oneness’, the body of ONE. Anami means without a name. Agam means inaccessible. Alaya means eternity. Alakh means invisible. Akal means timeless.
Sat Gurus are not sticklers for names. They frankly concede that the Supreme One is Anami, nameless, and so, they say, in substance: Take your choice as to names. Masters have given many names to the Supreme Being, according to the country in which they lived and the language they used. But all Masters recognize that no name is adequate. No name can ever describe God or convey any fair conception of His attributes.
Masters have given many names to the Supreme Being, according to the country in which they lived and the language they used. But all Masters recognize that no name is adequate. No name can ever describe God or convey any fair conception of His attributes.
The whole universe is considered as ONE. There is perfect oneness in all universes, which is also co-existent with God, infinite, unlimited.
Hence Nirankar, that is, formless. As such, He is without personality, hence without name. He cannot be said to be ‘anywhere’ as He is everywhere. Since He is everywhere, all, and everything, He must be impersonal. Of course, He may assume any number of forms, but none of these forms embrace His entire Being any more than one sun embraces the sum total of physical matter.
“If it were possible to meet the Beloved while in a state of comfort, why should one suffer the anguish of separation?”
(Sant Kabir Das)

2) ParBrahm and Maha Adi Parashakti. ParBrahm is the Supreme Being who holds dominion over 700 quadrillion universes. Maha Adi Parashakti is the consort of ParBrahm and the highest Goddess of all. She is beyond maya (illusion), the mother of all creation in ParBrahmanda, and the life force in all beings.
ParBrahm and Maha Adi Parashakti are known to have 10,000 hands (arts/skills). There exists an unfathomable abundance of life within the 700 quadrillion universes. These universes exist independently from our own, and they do not contain negative currents that exist in the lower universes of Lord Brahm and Adhya (Goddess Durga).
While ParBrahm and Maha Adi Parashakti live far longer than Lord Brahm and Adhya (Goddess Durga), they too experience the cycle of birth and death; thus, the only true eternity and infinity is in the Divine region of Satya Lok/Sach Khand and above.

3) Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan, is a Being that holds dominion over the lower universes (Brahmandas) that contain the positive and negative current. Lord Brahm is also recognized by other names, such as Kal, Jyot Niranjan, or Kshar Purush.
He is typically portrayed with 1,000 hands (arts/skills). Lord Brahm is revered as the father of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Alongside him stands Adhya (Goddess Durga), the mother of the Trimurti (the three Gods). He is the Lord of the three lower worlds of Pinda, Anda, and our local universe, Brahmanda.
Lord Brahm/Kal Niranjan, the creator of the physical realm, is often mistaken for the Supreme God of all creation. Many devotees, limited in their spiritual ascent, firmly believe him to be the Supreme creator. However, in truth, he occupies a relatively modest position in the Grand Hierarchy.
While not the lowest in rank, Lord Brahm/Kal Niranjan oversees numerous subordinates. He reigns Supreme among the negative forces, with others acting as his agents and subordinates, operating under his guidance, just as he follows the directives of his superiors. Pinda, Anda, and Brahmananda universes form the three major divisions of creation. Ancient Yogis, in their limited understanding, considered this the entirety of existence. Consequently, Kal Niranjan was regarded as
the Supreme Deity over all creation. However, to Sat Gurus, he represents the negative power, so named due to his position at creation's negative pole, with many regions above him.
Only Masters comprehend Kal Niranjan's subordinate status in the Grand Hierarchy. They are aware of his imperfections, when compared to higher-ranking members of the Celestial Hierarchy.
Despite this, Kal Niranjan remains the creator and governor of the entire physical universe that we currently inhabit.

4) Adhya (Goddess Durga), is the wife consort of Lord Brahm and the mother of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. It is from Her that all Cosmic Gods and 10 main Goddesses arise.
Durga is a major Hindu Goddess, worshiped as a principal aspect of the mother. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction, and wars. She is widely worshiped by the followers of the Hindu Goddess-centric sects, such as Shaktism, and has importance in other denominations, like Shaivism and Vaishnavism.
Kali is the fierce manifestation of the Hindu mother Goddess, or Great Goddess Devi (also known as Durga). She is a complicated symbol, simultaneously feared and adored. Kali is the first of the ten principal Goddesses in the Hindu tantric tradition.
Kali's earliest appearance is Her emergence from Durga. Over time, Kali has been worshiped by devotional, movements and Tàntric sects variously as the Divine Mother, Mother of the Universe, and Principal energy (Shakti).
Adhya (Goddess Durga) can display both benevolent and wrathful aspects. Within tantric traditions, She is called Shakti, mostly depicted as the slayer of the buffalo demon Mahisasura. She is typically portrayed with eight arms and has 64 arts/skills.

5) Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva are the three sons of Lord Brahm/Kal Niranjan and Adhya (Goddess Durga). The, Trimurti (the trinity) are the three main Gods in Hinduism, in which the cosmic functions of creation, preservation, and destruction are personified as a triad of deities.
Typically, the designations are that of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. They each have 4 arms and 16 arts/skills.
The ‘AUM’ symbol of Hinduism is considered to have an allusion to Trimurti, where the A, U, and M phonemes of the word are considered to indicate creation, preservation, and destruction, adding up to represent Lord Brahm. Tridevi is the trinity of Goddess consorts for the Trimurti. Through their virtues, this trinity governs our local universe and planet Earth.
Planes of Existence

Physical Universe (Pinda)
At the very bottom of the chart is the biophysical universe, which is called the Pinda universe in yogic terms. Regarding the levels of consciousness, it relates to all the states between the very bottom of victim/abuser consciousness to the lower end of Self-Empowerment.
Pinda correlates with the physical body as an aspect since it represents the biophysical universe, which is known in classical terms as Saguna Brahman. Saguna refers to that which has a form or shape. Therefore, within the biophysical universe, which encompasses time, space, matter, and energy, the illusion of reality is created.
This is where humanity experiences their day-to-day lives and where the Soul becomes confined by the limitations of the five senses. One could describe this plane as predominantly three/four-dimensional and as the lower aspects of the universe in which Souls become trapped.
To ascend beyond this state, it is necessary to transcend the confines of the five senses. This is when we enter into the subtle region of the universe.

Astral Universe (Anda)
The second layer in the chart correlates with the higher levels of Self-Empowerment, leading to the awakening of Inner Light and progressing towards Inner Love and Unity / Oneness Consciousness. It is referred to as the Anda universe, or the subtle astral universe, encompassing the lower 4D up to the higher 5D. Within this realm, the other 4 lower bodies reside, namely the astral body, lower etheric, lower emotional, and lower mental bodies.
In the higher aspect of the subtle universe, you encounter your Higher Self. It is also a part of the Saguna Brahman, the universe of form and matter. As a result, polarities and dualities exist here, ranging from lowest desires to higher light, love, and oneness.
This realm is a domain of psychic phenomena, magic, spirits, and more. It is where astral projections occur, various occult teachings are explored, and the extremes of darkness and light coexist.
As you ascend to the higher regions of the Anda universe, Inner Love and Unity Consciousness become more prominent, shining brighter and exhibiting greater love. However, it is important to acknowledge that polarities still persist. One day, you may feel a deep sense of oneness with everything, while on another day, you may face challenging situations that require profound healing.

Causal Universe (Brahmanda)
The third region of the universe is known as the cosmic region, which represents the Cosmic Consciousness. At the level of consciousness, it is associated with Presence and Non-Duality. As a plane or aspect of the universe, it is referred to as the Causal universe or the Brahmanda universe. This is where the process of connecting with one's I AM Presence begins, allowing for more direct access to the Soul.
The cosmic region is still part of the Saguna Brahman, and many traditions consider it to be the abode of God, the Lord Brahm. This is because it encompasses the causal region, also known as the lower unconsciousness or the causal body. Some meditators believe that passing through this region signifies enlightenment and the realization of Lord Brahm.
The cosmic region is also where the Akashic records reside, it is in this realm that the Soul works through its densest karmic patterns. This region serves as the source of Vedantic philosophy, ethics, morals, and the teachings of various spiritual paths.
It is often said that the cosmic region can create an illusion of finding God and heaven. If one remains at this stage, the influence of negative polarity and duality continues to play a role. Even if one has entered into the first step of Non-Duality and believes they have transcended these aspects, a negative current still manifests within the experience in the cosmic universe of Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan.

Universal Light Region (BrahmaJyoti)
Upon surpassing the lower unconsciousness of Brahmanda, meditators often encounter a magnificent, radiant light, assuming that they have reached the final stage and completed their Self-Realization journey. However, it is important to recognize that this is merely the 4th significant region. Nevertheless, in most religions, this region is equated with God.
It is also the Monad, the Oversoul of all souls in the local lower universe, the universal mind, the universal consciousness, the Universal Self. In terms of the levels of consciousness, it correlates with a lower degree of Awareness. Someone might argue that they have already traversed the realm of emptiness, the state of absolute nothingness, and have delved into the depths of unconsciousness. Although individuals may choose to remain in a state of Awareness, they will still encounter the fluctuating currents of positive and negative forces, striving to maintain their state of Awareness. However, certain limitations still exist within this realm.
Many yogis experience the light of Lord Brahm (BrahmaJyoti) and perceive this universal light, the light of Awareness, as the source light that is beyond our universe, assuming that they have reached the ultimate Absolute God Self. In certain yogic lineages, the Lord Brahm is revered as the Supreme Being. However, he is not the highest God in Divine Cosmology, as he governs only the lower universes (Brahmandas). BrahmaJyoti is the light of Lord Brahm / Kal Niranjan and beyond it is the 5th region, known as the Supra-Universal region. If one is willing to relinquish this radiant state of Awareness, with the grace of a Guru, they may open up to higher regions of ParBrahmanda.

Supra-Universal Region (ParBrahmanda)
The 5th region is called the ParBrahmanda, and in terms of the levels of consciousness, it correlates with a higher degree of Awareness. It is a higher mental or purely etheric universe and has no negative current like in Brahmanda regions below. In most yogic traditions, that is the ultimate goal; the ParBrahm is the ultimate. In Kashmir Shaivism it is known as the ParamShiva. The light is even brighter, the light is intense, and it envelops seemingly infinite universes and is the source of them all.
In ascension teachings, it's the perfection of the Individuated Buddhic or Christed Self. Here, one may experience the greatness and vastness of this light, which powers up multitudes of universes. Many yogis settle at this place and they're happy to be there.
In its classical name, it's called the Nirguna Brahman, or ParBrahm, meaning beyond the form, or formless Brahm, like Awareness it has no form or shape.
Many meditators may also assume that this is the Absolute Self. If we consider it on a global scale, not many yogis move beyond this stage, as they assume that the ParBrahm is the ultimate light that encompasses all other lights of all universes and that there is no further reason to continue the journey. It is a profoundly fulfilling state, already suffused with great blissful light. Having already transcended the Brahmanda and BrahmaJyoti, one might assume that there is no higher state.
ParBrahmanda is the God of some of the high religions, serving as a blueprint of perfection. It is also where the Pure Buddha heavens are, the highest Krishna Cosmology heavens, etc..

Great Void (MahaSunyata)
If one somehow becomes more humble and realizes that the previous state is not the ultimate endpoint and that there is more beyond it, then, with the Grace of Sat Guru, one will enter a state of total voidness known as the Great Void. This state is also called the higher unconsciousness and is characterized as Nirguna Brahman, which is completely formless. It serves as the womb of all ParBrahmanda universes and acts as a barrier between the higher causal planes and the higher pure Divine planes. In this state, one transcends the entire Creation of 700 quadrillion ParBrahmanda universes and the supreme light of ParBrahm that sustains them all.

Liberated Soul Plane (Satya Lok / Sach Khand)
This is the realm of the purely spiritual region or plane of existence. It is where one begins to sense the presence of the Divine, which represents the pure spiritual aspect. As a plane, it is referred to as the pure Soul Plane, and it has the name of Satya Lok / Sach Khand. This is the starting point and the path further into the Supreme Divine unfolds from here.
In this realm, the aspect is that of the Divine, and it is where a Soul becomes liberated. A truly liberated Soul does not reside within the universe itself or bask in the magnificence of the universal light. Instead, it transcends the universe, rising above it. This marks the liberation of the Soul and serves as a dividing point.
The classical name for this state is Purna Brahm, with 'Purna' meaning complete, signifying the pure essence of Supreme Brahm. It is also referred to Sat Purush, the True Being, the Pure Divine God. Information about this realm is scarce on the internet due to its rarity and depth. Only the most advanced yogic lineages possess this knowledge of the Supreme Divine and the realms beyond.
The inception of the purely spiritual plane is where true liberation lies. It is the realm of the pure Spirit, where one experiences the freedom and individuality that transcend the limitations of the mind.
This realm represents a higher form of Self-Realization, surpassing the self-realizations found in the supra-universal, universal and cosmic planes. It transcends the regions of the Brahmanda and ParBrahmanda. The most fitting word to describe it is 'Divine.'
Invisible Plane (Alakh Lok)
The second Divine region is known as the invisible plane. This vast plane is filled with yellow-white light and offers an unparalleled sense of bliss, joy, and satisfaction. In many advanced yogic lineages, this state is considered the pinnacle of bliss or the highest degree of Maha Sahaja Samadhi.
Within this realm, there exists supreme creative energy, as the Soul experiences complete liberation and blissful satisfaction. There is not even a single atom of negativity, cause and effect, or error, as anything above the universes is indestructible. However, once the Soul enters the universes below the Great Void, it becomes subject to cycles, cause and effect, and is inherently dissolvable.
In contrast, the first and second Divine regions, the pure spiritual planes, are entirely indestructible. Here, the Soul is immersed in bliss, freedom, and a deep sense of fulfillment. It feels completely united with the source, with God, without even the slightest atom of separation.
At first glance, one might assume that this is the final state, the ultimate bliss where no aspect of separation exists, and therefore, there seems to be no reason to strive further. However, this is only the second Divine region.
The Soul within this realm has no desire to leave its state of bliss and fulfillment. It perceives itself as completely satisfied and fulfilled. Every atom of the Soul resonates with being one with the Divine God Source. Yet, as we delve deeper, we realize that there are still realms beyond, waiting to be explored.
Divine Eternity (Alaya Lok)
The third divine region is known as the Divine Eternity, representing the aspect of Full Consciousness and God-Realization. The presence of Divine Eternity is profoundly felt in this realm. It is an eternal and boundless expanse of radiant light, an everlasting place where eternity never ends. Referred to as the true home or the ultimate abode, it embodies total eternality, giving rise to the perception that everything begins and ends here. It stretches endlessly, spanning forever and ever, an infinite expanse of light.
Upon entering this region, the Soul begins to fully comprehend God, experiencing the profound love and the love aspect of the Divine. There is an absolute absence of separation. It is in this realm that much greater power and love of God emerges and in yogic terms, it is the ultimate devotional state of Nirguna Bhakti.
Inaccessible Plane (Agam Lok)
When the Soul ascends even further into the fourth divine region, it becomes highly focused on the aspect of Power of God. Here, the Soul attains the ability to realize its creative potential and create entire universes. It recognizes itself as God and acknowledges the immense power of God. It possesses this power of God to bring forth its own worlds and universes. Consequently, within this realm, the Soul can create its own universe and assume the role of its Lord.
The universe we currently experience is the creation of the Lord Brahm and his 3 sons Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva. These great souls are the ones who have brought about the existence of our local universe that we are now experiencing.
After witnessing numerous examples of how other great Souls have created their own universes and dedicating millions or billions of years (Yugas) to learning and understanding, your Soul may come to the realization that it also possesses the power and creative ability to fashion its own universe.
This is the region where the Soul realizes and attains the powers to do so and then realizes God to a much greater degree in the Inaccessible Plane. Not all Souls reach this stage and attain these great powers. While they can enter this region, attaining those powers is a significant process that takes millions and billions of years (Yugas).
Therefore, not everyone pursues it because many Souls are content in the first or second Divine plane, where they feel total joy, bliss, fulfillment, and love. They don't feel compelled to do more than that. However, if they become curious about the braver Souls who have created their own universes, they may find inspiration from these greater Souls to one day do the same by entering the Inaccessible Plane.
As a level of consciousness, it corresponds to a deeper aspect of Full Consciousness because that's where the seeds of creation are.
On the accelerated awakening journey, we swiftly progress through these stages, taking the highway and the elevator approach. However, this is comparable to taking the fastest plane from London to Singapore, bypassing much of what is below and not witnessing it in detail.
However, as you awaken to the first stage of the Divine or progress all the way to Full Consciousness, and as you spend more time exploring to a greater degree and in more detail, you will begin to differentiate among the Divine regions. You will see and experience this as your integration and Soul Advancement continue.
In the fourth Divine region the soul may remain here for eons, delighting in, learning from, experiencing, experimenting with, and creating it’s own worlds and universes.
Nameless Plane (Anami Lok)
As we ascend to the fifth Divine region, the very pinnacle of the Divine realms, it is associated with God-Realization & Beyond State and referred to as the Nameless Plane. This plane is beyond description and language, defying any attempt to attribute characteristics to it. It represents the realization of God (Full Consciousness) and extends even beyond that, as it is an indescribable light, the purest essence of all, formless and colorless.
This concept may seem bewildering, but some may assume that God resides in the cosmic region at the lower end of the scale. Many religious and yogic traditions believe that God is the illuminating force encompassing the entire universe, located at the fourth lower stage of this chart. Consequently, at the highest region, it is the realization of God and goes beyond that, as it represents an incomprehensible light and the purest spirit, devoid of form and color.
​​​​​​​Ocean of Love and Mercy (Adi-Sat & Beyond)
At the very top of the chart, we find God in Beyond Beyond State, the deepest Full Consciousness, the Ocean of Love and Mercy, and infinitely beyond. It represents God in a state of Beyond and Beyond that transcends absolutely all. It is absolutely indescribable, the most pristine manifestation of the Adi-Sat plane, completely formless and colorless.
An important point to note is that this is not the end. While it occupies the highest position on this chart, it infinitely extends beyond and beyond and beyond. We must understand that the top of the chart is not a conclusion. It does not mark the endpoint, for it stretches infinitely beyond. This realization allows us to grasp the true vastness of the Supreme Divine God and its Creations.