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Lyonne Premananda is a spiritual guide and teacher, helping seekers to remember their nature, navigating beyond false identities one may have associated with, and illuminating the path to the Divine and Full Consciousness.

Full Consciousness Transmissions are very supportive, especially when one is ready to open up to Presence, Non-Duality, Loving Awareness, Divine Love, and Full Consciousness. The teachings are not something new but is our inherent Truth.  Consciousness Transmissions have allowed many to raise their Levels of Consciousness and return Home.

What is Consciousness Transmission?

Consciousness is all-pervading and is present in every particle of nature. Lyonne Premananda supports transferring the consciousness energy toward the lower densities and entanglements of the person. As you receive the Consciousness Transmission, It dissolves and unwinds the locks and blocks and helps to clear the obstacles. It also activates a higher level of consciousness because of the higher attunements that take place. This allows one to Self-Inquire what is prior, thus awakening to a closer, deeper, and more fundamental Truth. These opening, awakening, and dismantling conditions that hinder the way of one's Full Consciousness are easily possible through Consciousness Transmission.


The Levels of Consciousness are a step-by-step guided pathway into the Natural State (Sahaja). It is a program based on the Levels of Consciousness and designed to support you in returning to the natural state of your real Self while healing any core wounds that trap you into believing you are separate and distant from who YOU ARE. It is a priority that through this life, you inquire about exposing and knowing yourself beyond culture, form, sex, and any conditions. This direct path with effective practices will support opening your next level of Consciousness.​

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Benefits of Transmission:

  • Rapid Growth on Your Journey to Full Consciousness

  • Transcendence of Misidentifications

  • Clarity of Seeing Beyond Dualities

  • Heightened Awareness

  • Receive Higher Support from the Divine

  • Attunement to Divine Light & Love 

  • Accelerated Healing

  • More Harmonious Transformation

Lyonne Premananda is experienced in guiding you into the opening to your next level of Consciousness. The Consciousness Transmission is focused on unlocking the major obstacles and working with Consciousness to support the opening of the next level. 

Lyonne applies effective practices to clear, purify, align, balance, and amplify energy and consciousness and strengthens your connection with Source Consciousness. Preparing you step by step toward the openings of the higher spiritual levels. She follows through with the guidance of the levels of Consciousness and clarifies your progress by using kinesiology testing to monitor the evolution of your Consciousness.

In this session, you will receive a supportive Full Consciousness Integration Transmission, your Personal Chart, as well as advice on any questions and any further integrative support needed.​​​​

Realized Students


Enlightened Awareness to
Full Consciousness


Presence & Non-Duality


Inner Light, Love, Unity

You will receive your Personal Chart:

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Lyonne Premananda is highly intuitive and energy sensitive; thus she can see and feel your energy field, chakras, and the density of the mind, heart, and consciousness. As this work happens beyond time and space! as well as yours, so the sessions via Zoom are just as effective and powerful.

In the Personal Chart, 1000 is the highest measurement.

You can also download Personal Charts PDF file here with more detailed explanation.

After 1000 - Full Consciousness Integration Transmission Session:

Since there are increasingly more students at 1000 Full Consciousness, the next step is to work on the Full Consciousness Integration via Body Nervous SystemEnergy System Integration, and further Ascension Work.

You may also want to learn more about further Advancement beyond LOC 1000 and about Spiritual Teachers.​

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General Information about Consciousness Transmissions

Consciousness Transmissions generally include a discussion, self-inquiry, guidance in meditation, and transmission. During the Consciousness Transmission, it is very important to be open and hold no expectations. Allow and trust Source to find you.​


The Meditation / Transmission is recorded and shared with you at the end of the meeting so you can keep a personal library of practices and meditations, if needed, for future reference. Plus, it helps to repeat it for better integration. You will also receive recommendations and suggestions for watching videos and reading books between meetings to continue integrating and learning until the next session.​


For best results, meeting every 21 days gives time to integrate the highest light received during the last session, thus supporting the most balance, grounds, and centeredness.

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Book a Divine Love or Consciousness Transmission Session:

Online sessions via Zoom 

The fee is €275 for a 60-minute session and €375 for a 90-minute session; discounted packages are available below. Sessions also include measuring your personal chart, your Level of Self-Realization, your Level of Consciousness, Soul, Mind, Heart, Body Nervous System, and Full Consciousness.
Book a Session

Sessions include measuring your Personal Chart:

Level of Self-RealizationLevel of Consciousness

Soul & Energy

Conscious Mind

Conscious Heart

Body Nervous System

Full Consciousness

€275 for a 60min Session


€375 for a 90min Session


15 % Discount Package​

5 Sessions - 60min €1,168


Bank Transfer

Account holder: Lyonne Carabott
IBAN: MT76VALL22013000000040012263808
Account No: 40012263808

Beneficiary Address: Serenity, Sqaq il-Balliju, Ghajnsielem, Gozo, GSM2040, Malta

Bank name: Bank of Valletta 

State of bank: Valletta 

Bank Address: 58 Zachary Street, Valletta, Malta

Postal code: VLT1130

To book an appointment please make a payment and fill up a short form here >

We will contact you shortly after to schedule the meeting with Lyonne Premananda 🙏

By booking a session, you confirm you have read and agree to our Terms of Service and Health Disclaimer.

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Santi Castro
Singer / Recording Artist

Lyonne has a very loving and bright light. I experience her presence as soft, gentle, and welcoming. She has guided me many times into meditation, speaking on many levels to accommodate the beginner and advanced members of the group. Even in silence, her presence is shining, showing the way. Last week during her Satsang, she asked a series of questions to help us take the next step deeper. I experienced a beautiful opening into new territory. My experience was of something calmer than calmness and lighter than even happiness or joy. It was the most stillness I have ever seen. Since then, I have been able to open back up to this by using the method she showed the group!

Much Love & Gratitude to Lyonne ☀️

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Anna Lena
Holistic Therapist

I have had some private sessions with Lyonne (and also different courses, classes, etc) that have helped me immensely to integrate my awakening more and more. I feel the deepening after each session and feel so well taken care of. It is also so valuable the recorded meditations/ transmissions she gives from the session afterward so I can use this as an even greater deepening. Lyonne is really a one-of-a-kind in this spiritual jungle. She is a really gifted teacher and healer and at the same time, she has this deep understanding, love, and compassion. It is very rare to encounter a teacher being so integrated into full consciousness and having all these qualities. I can highly recommend her to anyone seeking truth and full consciousness.

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The Divine Love nature cannot be captured by our physical eyes or grasped through our sense of touch. It has nothing to do with the love we experience on earth nor with any personal or impersonal relationships. ​


Divine Love can be experienced beyond intellect, reasoning, and senses. It is available and possible for everyone to merge with Divine nectar. The Love Divine is not related to the heart chakra or energies associated with worldly connectivity. To experience Divine Love, we must surrender the sense of "I" and melt into the Divine, allowing Grace to uplift us from ignorance. This aligns and connects us with the Eternal and Boundless Love that is not related to anything in the external world.


It requires a shift of focus toward stillness, nothingness, and emptiness as a start and to perceive the divine through the great unknown.If you touch upon Divine Love, it appears everywhere.


There is a gateway, an entry point for us to rise within and above worldly distractions and energy streams that pull us in different directions. To experience Divine Love, we must rise above the limitations of our senses and intellect. The love that can only be experienced through complete surrender.

This Session is for you if you feel called to receive a blessing from Anandamayi Ma. It also includes a Divine Love Consciousness Transmission. This transmission may help you let go of the deepest burdens you carry in your heart and Soul while being hugged and encompassed with the most profound highest form of Pure love. Grace is called to uplift you!


This Session includes a discussion, a blessing, and guided meditation to prepare you to receive the Divine Love transmission. During the Session, it is advisable to be as relaxed and receptive and allow a Divine transmission and healing to occur. Afterward, we dedicate time to reflect and respond to any of your questions - a duration of 60min.


The transmission will be recorded and shared with you at the end of the meeting.

By booking a session you confirm you have read and agree to our Terms of Service and Health Disclaimer.
Included Support & Recording of Practice:
At each meeting with Lyonne, you will receive personal advice on any question you may have, as well as a recording of meditation/ transmission/ practice that you can download for your personal keeping after the meeting.

Lyonne will also advise you on further supportive readings, videos, and practices to continue with your Integration after the session on your own time.
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Divine Love Transmission

Love and Devotion


Lyonne Premananda is guided by a special Soul who works closely with her and the community. Anandamayi Ma, also known as the Blissful Mother, is an Enlightened being and a widely acknowledged avatar who lived in India and continues to exist in the realm of spirit. Lyonne has a direct relationship with Anandamayi Ma, whom she sees as her spiritual mother.

Anandamayi Ma has imparted much spiritual wisdom to Lyonne Premananda and supports her directly during her meetings. Anandamayi Ma is a beacon of light and is channeled through Lyonne during special transmissions, conveying Ma's blessings directly. This great Divine Heart is enveloped in bliss, and pure Consciousness melts or shakes up those who are ready to meet her. Meanwhile, Anandamayi Ma continues to hone Lyonne's ability to extend this devotional transmission and message to humanity: surrender to the Divine GodSelf within!

Anandamayi Ma was a 20th-century avatar: a direct emanation of wisdom born awake. By her own testimony, Ma manifested in response to the prayers of sentient beings for a female incarnation of the divine.

While accounts of her extraordinary Lila, or enlightened activities, are legion, she lived her life as a householder in unusually close contact with her devotees, advising them about all aspects of life, laughing with them, comforting them, singing, and simply allowing all those who came to find refuge in her presence. Her guiding presence is still available to anyone who wishes to seek it out. Although Ma had little formal education, she directly embodied enlightened wisdom to such a degree that she was able to convey the subtlest teachings to tens of thousands of followers from all walks of life. Her teachings are precise, playful, gutsy, down-to-earth, inspiring, and deeply moving. Jaya Ma!


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Divine Love Guided Meditations & Transmissions

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